lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

New Discord Server / Nuevo Servidor de Discord.

¡Hola, hola!

Con el poco tiempo libre que tengo, estuve armando una estrategia buenísima para tener más contacto con ustedes, también por el hecho de que el blog está creciendo y yo pueda saber de ustedes.
Así que cree en server en discord.

Para tener acceso al server debes solicitar la invitación conmigo:

El primer paso es suscribirte al blog. Tienes que sacar un pequeño screenshot de respaldo y cuando solicites la invitación, deberás adjuntarla y ¡listo!. Una vez agregadx, podrás compartir tus ideas con otros usuarios, reportar los links rotos y hacer pedidos.

¡Los estaré esperando a todos!

Muchas gracias pro su apoyo y todo el amor que me envían, ¡son los mejores!

En algunas entradas encontrarás esta pequeña imagen que te indicará que es un CD Premium.

Básicamente en el servidor de Discord, hallarás este apartado donde se guardan las contraseñas de los CD's Premium. Para acceder, tendrás que hacer una pequeña donación a mi ko-fi, ya que esos CD's se han comprado por la administradora de este blog. El total, son $15 dólares como contribución. Tendrás el beneficio de tener acceso completo e ilimitado a todos los CD's de esta categoria, sin restricción de tiempo.

Una vez hayas completado tu donación, mándame un mensaje en privado en discord con un screenshot/captura de pantalla con tu donación hecha, y cambiaré tu rol en automático para que tengas acceso directo a este apartado y puedas descargar todos los CD's que desees, que ya estén y los próximos a públicar ヾ(*'▽'*)

Mi Ko-Fi:

Hi babes!

With the few that I have in these days, I had the idea to create a discord server for the blog to keep in touch with all of you and catch up with the broken links and your requests.

To join to the server, you have to ask for the invitation with me:

The first step to get your invitation, is to be susbcribed to the blog, take a screenshot and when you ask for the invitation you have to send that pic as a back, and that's all! :)

I'm waiting for all of you, thanks for all your support, you're the best!!

In some entries you'll find out a little image that will indicate you that is a Premium CD.

Basically in the Discord server you will notice that there is a section where the Premium CD's passwords are saved. To get access, you will have to make a little donation in my ko-fi, that's because these CD's have been bought by the administrator ot this blog. The total is $15 dollars. You will get unlimited access to all CD's that have been already published and the ones that will be posted in a near future, without time restriction.

Once you have completed your donation, send me a private message with your screenshot to my discord of your donation, and I'll change your role so will be able to see the passwords of the CD's that you want to download ヾ(*'▽'*)

My Ko-Fi:

34 comentarios:

  1. Hello, I would like to join the Discord ^^

    1. Hi! Ofc, you have to look for my user in discord, after I accepted you and you suscribed to the blog, I can add you to the server <3

  2. I can't send you friend request 😭😭😭

  3. I've already sent you the invitation :), but can't send the screenshot yet :(

  4. I sent the invitation about a month ago but with no answer :(

    1. Oh my godddd! My bad, I'm so sorry! > n <
      Please, lend me your discord username and I'll send you the invitation

  5. Hello i've subscribed you and sent you a friend request on discord. Now should i send the screenshot first or do i have to wait for your acceptation first? Thank you.

  6. Hi sweetie, you'll have to wait the acceptation and then, please send me your screenshot. Thank you for the interest! ♡

  7. Hi! I'm new here and I want to join the discord. How can I subscribe?

    1. Hi, sure!
      Send me a friend request, my username is Tabi#4406
      In this page, click on "suscribe" in the right column, there's an example in the post. Only send me a screenshot and that's all, hun :)

    2. I've sent you a friend request. Same username as here.

  8. I sent you a friend request on discord. My nickname is encho. thank you.

  9. I sent you a friend request on discord. My nickname is encho. thank you.

  10. Hi there! I sent you a friend request on discord, the name's Moos ! ><

  11. Very good morning, afternoon or evening ..... I'm Yumi it's a pleasure, I would just like to know if it is possible to join your discord server. I will understand if it is not possible but let me thank you for sharing your cds on your page ,your page glad my life problematic.......

  12. Hi there! I'd love to join your discord as well. I sent you a friend request on discord. My name is moon2318. Thanks

  13. hello my name is Miyuki i'd love to join your server, i found your discord from your blog miyuki#7648

  14. Hello! I'm interested in your Discord server and sent a friend request. The name is Nya.

  15. Hi Tabi!
    New subscriber here <3 I've sent you a friend request on Discord, my username is fuzzymaru, but it doesn't let me send you the screenshot (or even a simple text message) ;-;
    I'm not very good at using Discord, so let me know if I should send the screenshot elsewhere

  16. Hi, i've sent a friendship request in discord just now. My user name is 1456ha#4043

  17. Hi, i sent a friend request in discord! My name is emily7441#8970

  18. can i ask for the invitation for the discord? i have already subscribed your blog and take the picture, but i don't know how to send it to you.

    1. Oh...and i've already send a friend request at discord. hope you accept it.

  19. I sent you a friend request under the kimsoojinsaniol#4044 username. I would love it if you accept it!

  20. trate de buscarte en discord, pero no encuentro tu usuario ;(

  21. Hello I've already send you friend request

  22. Hello, I've sent you a friend request! ^^

  23. Hi there ^^ If you still want to join the RPG club, can you please resubmit? The 100x100 icon link you gave doesn't work. Anyway have a great one ^_^


¿Y tú qué piensas? ♥